Overview of the Committee

The Director-General, Kano Independent Research Centre Trust constitutes the Committee to ensure that all research conducted under the purview of Kano Independent Research Centre Trust (KIRCT) adheres to the highest ethical standards.
The Committee will review all research proposals submitted by the researchers of Kano Independent Research Centre Trust (KIRCT) involving human participants to ensure that they are scientifically worthy and to safeguard the dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of all actual and potential research participants.

How to apply

A written application in the prescribed form (Annexure- 2A-B) requesting a review of the ethics of proposed biomedical research shall be submitted by a qualified researcher responsible for the ethical and scientific conduct of the research. The application should be submitted to:
The Secretary;
KIRCT- Health Research Ethics Committee;
Office of the Legal Adviser,
Administrative Block,
Kano Independent Research Centre Trust,
Dawakin Kudu Road, Off Kano /Kaduna Expressway, Kano.
Additionally, electronic copies should be submitted by e-mail to ibrahim.nazir@kirct.com and copied to ……………………………….

Application Requirements

i. The Principal Investigator (PI) should forward nine (9) copies of the proposal along with the application and documents in the prescribed format duly signed by him/her and Co-investigators/ Collaborators.
ii. All applications for ethical approval should be received by the Secretary not later than two (2) weeks preceding the expected date of the Committee’s meeting.
iii. The Secretary of the Committee shall give an acknowledgement slip for each application submitted for review and where the submissions are not complete, the researcher shall be contacted by e- mail or telephone message to submit the additional materials.
iv. The outcome of the application shall be received in writing within 8 weeks of submission except where incomplete submissions were received.
v. All supplementary information required by the Committee should be submitted within one week of the request, and not later than Ten (10) days to the meeting of the Committee so that the application can be discussed at the next sitting of the Committee.
vi. All documents should be written in English language. Materials for administration in other languages shall be accompanied by the appropriate translations.
vii. Interdisciplinary, inter-institutional projects and projects of investigators from other institutions for which patients, other resources or collaboration of the Centre is required, should also be submitted to KIRCT-HREC for review.
viii. All relevant documents should be enclosed with application.